South Dakota Elder/Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

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There are more than 7,000 people living in nursing homes in the state of South Dakota. According the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), there are more than 18,000 nursing homes across America with 1.6 million residents. Unfortunately, the National Center On Elder Abuse reports that more than 50% of nursing homes are understaffed, which leads to stress and frustration among staff members who are already stretched way too thin. This, coupled with numerous other factors, can possibly lead to elder/nursing home abuse, which to date, occurs in around 30% of all nursing homes across the United States. In the span of 24 months alone there were more than 9,000 instances of abuse reported across the United States.

Elder/nursing home abuse can take many different forms, including physical, sexual, and psychological abuse; malnutrition; financial exploitation; identity theft; and pure neglect. Visible injuries are the type that will be noticed right away. Some examples include bruises, broken bones, cuts, scars, and bed sores. If you notice any of these signs, it is important to report it immediately. Ask the resident, the attending nurse and assistant, the staff supervisor and the attending physician about the injury. Most facilities also employ a patient care liaison, with whom you can discuss your concerns or file a complaint.

Signs of neglect include insufficient food and water, insufficient bathing opportunities, failure to change the resident's under garments in a timely manner, failure to supply personal hygiene products, and failure to assist in the basic functions for the resident.

If you have made the difficult decision to place a family member in a nursing home, you and your family member shouldn't have to suffer through any type of neglect or abuse at the hands of a caregiver or even other residents. If you suspect that someone you love has been abused, neglected or mistreated in a nursing home, suffered any kind of abuse in a nursing home, or suffered any type of abuse at the hands of another resident, you should contact a South Dakota elder/nursing home abuse lawyer or attorney. You should also contact a South Dakota civil lawyer or attorney if you are seeking damages outside of the facility.

A South Dakota elder/nursing home abuse lawyer or attorney will more than likely offer a free nursing home abuse consultation, during which they will evaluate your case, explain your legal rights, and assess any damages they feel you are entitled to as a result of any abuse or neglect caused by a South Dakota nursing home. A South Dakota elder/nursing home abuse lawyer or attorney will also be well-versed in South Dakota nursing home abuse laws, so they will be well-equipped to argue and win your case.

If you are ready to contact a South Dakota elder/nursing home abuse lawyer or attorney, visit the American Bar Association's website. The site features a lawyer locator to help you search for attorneys in your area.


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