Oklahoma Vioxx Lawyer

Call (888) 471-5989 to speak with a personal injury attorney.

Oklahoma ranks in the top tier of elderly population, with over 13 percent of their current population being over the age of 65. That is why it is so important that everyone in the state of Oklahoma is aware of the effects of the drug Vioxx. Anyone who took Vioxx and suffered adverse side effects should be aware of what their legal rights are. Lawsuits have been filed and won by others now it is your turn.

If you feel that Vioxx usage has damaged your health, or if Vioxx contributed to the premature death of your spouse of family member, you can receive legal redress for your suffering, your lost wages and even the funeral costs. Judges have already handed down large settlements to people that have taken the initiative and spoken to a lawyer in their area who deals exclusively with these types of cases.

It would be nice to say that the case of Vioxx is unique and that drug recalls are rare, but that is sadly not the case. Drug companies from all over the world have been putting profits (Vioxx's profits were in the billions) above the health of average people for decades. In the case of Vioxx, however, the case was very prominent and memorable. This alone has made Vioxx a standout example of what happens to drug companies when they hide or fail to disclose information; eventually we find out anyway, at the expense of many innocent people.

Vioxx hit the market in 1999, and its impact was felt right away. The FDA rushed it through approval and before too long, there were Vioxx commercials on TV, ads in newspapers, magazines, and even billboards telling us that we all needed Vioxx. Most people had heard the name of the drug before, but they could not tell you what it did or why they felt this overwhelming need to use it. As it turned out, Vioxx was targeted at the elderly; it was a drug that specifically targeted and alleviated arthritis pain. For the elderly population in Oklahoma, this was a huge relief to those who were afflicted with and suffered from arthritis. With Vioxx, the pain went away, and there was supposedly no risk of major side effects involved, a first for a drug like Vioxx. For some, it was their first truly pain-free periods in years. What people didn't know, however, was that Vioxx also increased the chances for heart attacks, strokes, and cardiac arrest for its users. As more and more cases of death and injury started to surface that were linked to Vioxx usage, the FDA was alerted to the situation and launched a three-year long investigation into the drug and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) on the market.

During the course of this investigation and subsequent lawsuits, it was found that Merck failed to disclose the harmful effects that Vioxx could have on people. Evidence also suggests that they tried to keep doctors and other medical professionals from telling their patients about what could happen to them. For the people who have suffered the ill effects of Vioxx, this news was startling and undoubtedly caused a lot of anger across the country.

To date, approximately 30,000 people have experienced an early death due to the effects of Vioxx. If you lost your spouse or loved one to Vioxx, you may have a case to claim restitution for your pain and suffering. Cases like these have given birth to a whole new field of law practice that deals exclusively with corporate negligence and consumer fraud. If you feel like you have a case against Merck, do not let another day go by contact an Oklahoma lawyer now. Merck has set aside almost $ 1 billion for fighting these lawsuits. While no amount of money will fix what has been done, you can secure the financial future of your family. Get in contact with a local Oklahoma lawyer who is experienced with lawsuits and litigation regarding defective pharmaceuticals and similar cases. There are still ongoing lawsuits against Merck, even years later. Get the peace of mind and compensation you deserve.
