Hiring Mold Lawyers

Personal injury lawyers represent those who have been injured by toxic mold contamination. They seek damages designed to compensate the victim for his or her suffering, and to punish those who contributed to or caused the mold problem. These attorneys are often seasoned in other areas as well a trait which makes them effective litigators for the victims. Despite the pivotal role of the mold lawyer's courtroom abilities, the most important part of the job happens outside of the courtroom.

Mold is a fungus found naturally inside and outside of a structure. Several species of mold are common, but only a small percentage of these species are harmful to humans. These are toxic molds.

Toxic mold grows in warm, damp places which are well stocked with nourishment, such as sheet rock and old carpet. Spores are the individual mold organisms which travel in the air. When humans ingest, inhale, or touch a toxic mold spores, they are then exposed to the dangers. Prolonged exposure to toxic mold spores may cause irreparable damage and sometimes death.

A toxic mold claim is built on liability. Those responsible for the maintenance of the contaminated building may not be liable for the mold. For example, the janitor may have used the cleaning protocols issued by his employer. The janitor is therefore not liable for the mold, but the employer is liable for his or her role in providing inadequate supplies. A contractor may have used carpet in the building that the supplier let sit outside for a few days. The builder is responsible for using materials that potentially bred the mold, even though it was the supplier who provided that material and left it outside, thereby exposing it to contamination. In another case, a landlord might tell the property manager to get rid of a mold problem, but the manager lets the mold colony remain. The owner is responsible for the building's maintenance, but the property manager is liable.

There are two different types of damages that a person can claim for, and these are medical damages and clean up and structural fixes. It depends on the severity of an illness, but a person can make a claim based on medical testing and treatments that were needed due to mold problems at work or home. Mold can cause structural damages in the home or building that are difficult and costly to fix. Different structural elements have to be replaced or moved because of the mold weakening them. The costs for mold cleanup can also be very high, many times because an inspector and professional assistance is needed to make sure there is no mold remaining.

A good toxic mold lawyer will know how to trace first the victim's infection to the mold colony (collection of spores), and then to the person liable for the mold and/or the victim's prolonged exposure to it. The attorney will hire professionals who test the structure to identify the species and cause of the mold. The attorney will then collect the evidence which draws a line of liability from the victim to the mold, and finally, from the mold to the defendant, in order to establish a cause of action and get the client's claim heard in court.

Mold lawyers have to be detectives as well as litigants. Mold is a natural organism, so finding the cause of the contamination is sometimes very difficult. To overcome this, the lawyer hires a team of experts who know what to look for. Scientists test the home, researchers dig through public records to find information on the building's structure, and private detectives track down defendants as well as the witnesses to the crimes. The lawyer then gathers the information to form the important chain of liability. It is this machine of information gathering which builds an effective mold case.

Like any other personal injury attorneys, mold lawyers work on a contingency basis they get paid only if the client is victorious. Consult an attorney for any illness that may result from toxic mold exposure.
