New York Dog And Animal Bite Lawyer

Call (888) 471-5989 to speak with a personal injury attorney.

With the number of dog bite lawsuits increasing every year, it's becoming increasingly important for both dog owners and victims to know their rights. Dog attacks are not only a scary situation for the animals, who just may be trying to protect themselves, but certainly also present numerous safety concerns for the individuals who may find themselves in the path of an abused or angry animal that attacks.

There are nearly five million animal attacks involving dogs each year in America, ranging from minor bites and scratches to fatalities. While death occurs in only a fraction of a percentage of reported dog bites that occur throughout the country on a yearly basis, dog bites that require treatment at a hospital are not uncommon. According to studies, 20 percent of dogs who bite are non-neutered, and most involve an unrestrained dog on their owner's property. Thirty percent of dogs involved in attacks are pitbulls, many of them bred for toughness. Men are most likely to be injured from a dog bite, with women and the elderly are at a higher risk of being bitten by a cat.

Dog bites, which have a traumatic effect, can be incredibly painful, causing deep wounds and injuries, and becoming infected. The MSRA strain of bacteria, known as a superbug, is resistant to antibiotics and can delay your recovery time. Other serious infections can occur from a bite, and though harmless looking, can cause real damage.

If you are attacked by an animal, get treatment immediately. Your injuries might cause you a long recovery period resulting in outrageous medical costs, lost wages, and psychological damage, you may be able to recover the compensation you deserve. With a lawyer that specializes in dog and animal bites, you will be able to rest assured that common defenses used by pet owners in these cases will not be able to topple your case.

New York has a limited dog bite statute, meaning, the dog owner or keeper is strictly liable for medical and veterinary costs. A personal injury lawyer will be well-versed in these and other New York dog-bite laws and statutes, in order to argue your dog-bite case successfully, and recover the maximum amount of damages you are entitled to under New York state law.

While each state has its own special dog-bite laws, there are some common themes across the board with regard to compensation. In every state, a victim can recover compensation from a person who negligently caused the attack, violated a leash law, or was aware of their dog's history of violent actions and still kept it. If you were bitten by a dog, contact a New York dog bite lawyer. Not only should you get the compensation you deserve, you might stop someone else from being viciously attacked by the same beast.


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