Colorado Elder/Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

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According to the National Center for Health Statistics, there are more than 18,000 nursing homes across America with 1.6 million residents. Unfortunately, the National Center on Elder Abuse reports that more than half of these nursing homes are understaffed, which may be a contributing factor in the upswing of elder/nursing home abuse. Such abuse is estimated to occur in one-third of all nursing homes across the United States.

Elder abuse is a term used to describe mistreatment and neglect of older adults. According to the World Health Organization, elder abuse is a single, or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress to an older person.

Elder/nursing home abuse presents itself in many different forms, and can range from physical, sexual, and psychological abuse to malnutrition, financial exploitation, and pure neglect.

Sometimes the abuse is simply in the failure to take action to prevent injury or death, such as in cases of neglect. Bruises, broken bones, or a sudden decline or change in physical or mental health are all signs that a resident may be a victim of abuse.

Threats of punishment, humiliation, and harassment have been defined as emotional abuse. Additionally, verbal, written or gestured messages that have a negative or belittling tone, even if the patient's mental state or disability prevents comprehension, is considered abusive. A resident may not be prevented from interacting with other residents or having access to his/her room except under brief, monitored circumstances. Restricting a resident's rights in these ways is also deemed within the law to be mental abuse.

A less common problem in nursing homes is the abuse of a resident by another resident. If you or someone you love has experienced this kind of abuse, you should also contact a Colorado civil lawyer or attorney if you are seeking damages outside of the facility.

A loved one may be hesitant or unwilling to speak about these abuses out of embarrassment or fear or repercussions; you should therefore carefully monitor both your loved one and their living environment.

Elder abuse also occurs outside of a nursing home setting and in these instances the abuse is done by a relative, associate or paid caregiver. Such abuse can include the desertion of an elderly person who is not self-sufficient, for such a length of time that they are likely to endanger their well-being.

If you have made the difficult decision to place a family member in a nursing home, you and your family member shouldn't have to suffer through any type of neglect or abuse at the hands of a caregiver or even other residents. If you suspect that someone you love has been abused or mistreated in a nursing home, you should contact a Colorado elder/nursing home abuse lawyer or attorney. Additionally, you should also contact a civil lawyer or attorney if you are seeking damages outside of the facility.

A Colorado elder/nursing home abuse lawyer or attorney will meet with you and your loved ones, to evaluate your case, explain your legal rights, and assess any damages to which you may be entitled. In the state of Colorado, you are entitled to economic and non-economic damages, as well as physical impairment damages. An elder/nursing home abuse lawyer or attorney will be able to explain all relevant aspects of the law to you, and advise you on the steps you need to take next.

If you are ready to contact a Colorado elder/nursing home abuse lawyer or attorney, visit the American Bar Association website and utilize the site's lawyer locator. Access to the site and the lawyer locator is free.


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