Maryland Elder/Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

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There are more than 18,000 nursing homes across America with 1.6 million residents, according the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Unfortunately, the National Center on Elder Abuse reports that more than 50% of nursing homes are understaffed, which can lead to chronic stress among staff members, who are already dealing with delicate situations on a daily basis. This can lead to elder/nursing home abuse, which occurs in about a third of all nursing homes across the America today.

Every year, tens of thousands of elderly Americans are abused in their own homes, in relatives homes, and even in facilities staffed with professionals who are responsible for their care. As people age and become elderly, they may become more and more physically frail, decrease the sight and hearing senses, and become less able to stand up for themselves if being bullied mentally or physically. You may suspect that an elderly person you know is being harmed physically or emotionally by a neglectful or overwhelmed caregiver or being preyed upon financially. If you suspect that abuse or neglect is taking place, you should contact an attorney qualified to practice personal injury law in the state of Maryland in order to discuss your options.

Elder/nursing home abuse can take many forms, including from physical, sexual, and psychological abuse to malnutrition, financial exploitation, and pure neglect. No resident of a nursing home, or patient of an elder-care specialist, should have to suffer through any type of neglect or abuse at the hands of a caregiver or even other residents. If you suspect that someone you love has been abused or mistreated in a nursing home, you should contact a Maryland elder/nursing home abuse lawyer or attorney. If you or someone you love has suffered any type of abuse at the hands of another resident, you should also contact a Maryland civil lawyer or attorney if you are seeking damages outside of the facility.

Some injuries or signs of abuse are obvious, and can be detected immediately, including broken bones, cuts, scars, and bed sores. If you notice any of these signs, it is important to report it immediately. If, after having inquired about the incident or injury, you have not received a satisfactory explanation, take your concerns to an administrator at the facility.

The signs of neglect may be a bit harder to notice because the injuries aren't as readily apparent. Neglect includes providing insufficient food and water, inadequate attention to hygiene in residents who are not self-sufficient, inadequate medical care, and failure to assist residents who have mobility issues.

A qualified Maryland elder/nursing home abuse lawyer or attorney will offer a free nursing home abuse consultation. At that time, they will begin to evaluate your case, explaining your legal rights in simple terms. Additionally, they will assess any damages they feel you are entitled to as a result of any abuse or neglect. A Maryland elder/nursing home abuse lawyer or attorney will also be well-versed in Maryland's complicated system of nursing home abuse laws, and hence will be well-equipped to argue, and win, your case.

If you are ready to contact a Maryland elder/nursing home abuse lawyer or attorney, visit the website of the American Bar Association. Use the site's lawyer locator to search for a suitable Maryland attorney. Access is free.

A Maryland elder/nursing home abuse lawyer or attorney will offer a free nursing home abuse consultation where they will evaluate your case, explain your legal rights, and assess any damages they feel you are entitled to as a result of any abuse or neglect caused by a Maryland nursing home. An elder/nursing home abuse lawyer or attorney will also be knowledgeable about any pertinent laws, so they will be well-equipped to argue your case in a court of law and win it.


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